Thesis 2.0 needed a “box” (similar to a template part) to establish bbPress compatibility. Thesis 2.1 doesn’t need the box anymore; you just need to check that your skin settings display the content on any page that needs to display bbPress pages.
Show The Content
In order to show the content on all bbPress pages you need to use the Skin Editor.
I’m demonstrating with the Classic Responsive Skin, but the principles apply to other skins as well.
bbPress templates
The Skin Editor opens on the HTML tab. You may want to use the Manager tab to back up your skin settings before making changes. Then in the HTML editor click on the Home (template title) button to navigate to the bbPress related templates. which are:
- Single
- Forum
- Topic
- Reply
- Archive
- Topic Tag
- Forums
- Topics
- Replies
Single bbPress templates
For the single templates I would recommend removing the Avatar and Byline from the Headline Area (or you may remove the whole Headline Area if you want), the Post Comments from below the content, and the Prev/Next if you don’t want to link between topics. To remove these items from the template Shift+Click+Drag to the box at the top right of the skin editor.
Editing further templates
Once you have one type of template, Single or Archive, the way you want it you can copy the template onto further template pages. Open the next template to edit from the Core Templates list and then select the template you’ve already edited from the Copy from Template box.
bbPress Archive templates
I recommend removing the Archive Intro and Headline Area from the archive templates. In the Post Box you can Click+Drag to remove post elements, and Show Tray ? to add post elements, most importantly Content (you only need to click once on elements in the tray to add them to the post box).
Working Forums
There you have it! bbPress Forums display and work in Thesis 2.1 just fine.
Note that there are some tiny avatars used in bbPress, but your skin might have a fixed avatar size in its CSS magnifying the avatars and causing them to be very fuzzy. If that is the case you can use something like the following in your Custom CSS (in Thesis admin menu).
.post_box #bbpress-forums img.avatar {
float:right !important;